Weekly Round Up 1/12/18



Again?! Steve Jobs may have been a tyrant when it came to the details but, this sh*t rarely happened on his watch.
Yet another macOS High Sierra bug: Unlock App Store system preferences with any password.

With all the Technology surrounding these guys, you’d think they’d pay better attention to the world around them. I mean, I know they live in a bubble, but c’mon!
Data Sheet—Darkness Hits CES Amid the Tech Backlash.

And my hometown made the list! Charlotte NC for the win!
Tech’s New Hotbeds: Cities With Fastest Growth In STEM Jobs Are Far From Silicon Valley.

Wait, does this mean no more Jitterbug?!
Tech for the elderly is a growing area, but founders should think more about whether their gadget will be used.

I think Steve would be more worried about the lack of leadership in his company right now, actually.

The ‘father of the iPod’ says tech addiction would worry Steve Jobs if he were alive today.

What, bribes don’t work on Congress anymore? Since when?!

Tech executives join more than 100 business leaders calling on Congress to move quickly on DACA.

You know, when I was a kid, I remember my parents writing to Captain Kangaroo and asking him to cut his programming in half so I’d watch less. SMH
Kids and Smartphones: Should Tech Companies or Parents Set the Limits?